If your business has grown quickly and you aren’t sure if your Xero has been set up as it should, our simple yet thorough checklist will help you review your Xero file and find out if your financials are reporting the accurate information.
We see many small businesses making the same mistakes repeatedly in their Xero set up, and it can cost them time, money, and a lot of headaches with the ATO. What’s more, if your data is reporting false information – imagine the impact on tracking and managing your company’s true financial performance!
Download our free eBook now, and you will learn:
- What the most common mistakes are that we see clients making in Xero time and time again.
- How to rectify any identified issues.
- How NOT to repeat your mistakes.
- And get in control of your Xero file.

Fill in details to receive your FREE eBook today.
If your business has grown quickly and you aren’t sure if your Xero has been set up as it should, our simple yet thorough checklist will help you review your Xero file and find out if your financials are reporting the accurate information.
We see many small businesses making the same mistakes repeatedly in their Xero set up, and it can cost them time, money, and a lot of headaches with the ATO. What’s more, if your data is reporting false information – imagine the impact on tracking and managing your company’s true financial performance!
Download our free eBook now, and you will learn:
- What the most common mistakes are that we see clients making in Xero time and time again.
- How to rectify any identified issues.
- How NOT to repeat your mistakes.
- And get in control of your Xero file.

“As we are a small business and I solely have day-to-day control,
I didn’t have the skills, nor time to look after bookkeeping in-house any longer.
Diverse allow me to leave the stress of problem solving to them, I can now focus on other more pressing elements of the business”.
David, High Q

“I have trouble getting out in the field due to being snowed under with bookwork.
My bookwork was not the best the accountant found it hard to make sense of it.
Diverse has allowed me more time in the field and I can also play golf on the weekends which I have never had time for in the past”.